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Student Information

In the Student Information area you can organize all of the contact information for your students as well as other information that perhaps your school student management system (SMS) would not collect.

Some features of Student Information area include:

  • Easily display all information collected for a student without having to leave the student listing.
  • Parent/Guardian information is displayed separately as this information can often be quite different than the students themselves. You can list up to four parents/guardians for each student record.
  • Quick search by last name and you can choose to show or hide inactive students.
  • Create and assign students to an ensemble for easy assignment of fees and communication.
  • Searching and printing paper reports are just a couple of clicks away.
  • Track merit points for each student.

What does a teacher (especially a music teacher) need more than anything else?

The answer is TIME!!!

Organization of your music program is best way to free up your planning periods to actually plan your teaching of music. No more wasting your valuable time searching through endless file folders or note cards. Be organized, be in contact, and be able to even work from home in half the time by taking advantage of all that My Music Office has to offer.

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Why Music Office?

MMO is designed by a Music Educator for Music Educators. No other program has its developer using it IN THE CLASSROOM each and every day.
By far the easiest system of its kind to use. No more being lost or confused by an overly complicated system. You don't have the time for that!
Create an unlimited number of Booster/Volunteer accounts that allow people to have access to all or part of your MMO account. This allows your volunteers to help you stay organized from the comfort of their own home.
A FREE Administration Account is provided for any school with more than one account. This allows you to link all of your music programs together and makes transferring students and equipment as easy as a couple of clicks.
Our subscription prices start at only $199/year. This is lowest price in the industry as we know every dollar saved is a dollar spent on your students.
Be organized all in one place online available 24x7. No more spreadsheets here, word docs there, and clipboards over there. You can even IMPORT your data from your current organizational method.
Automatically create unlimited Family Access Accounts so you parents can login and see their data at any time. No more waiting for a piece of paper to never make it home. They can even pay towards their balance due online.


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